September 2008 Specials! Get your Bling on!

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Hostess and Customer Specials for September

Fabulous Hostess Rewards continue in September!

Hostesses can now choose from 30 new Thank You Gifts for just $10. Some of the jewelry has a value of up to $94 so this is a HUGE savings!

There is an addition to the Instyle Bracelet family that the Hostess can get. It's amethyst so now a hostess with 10 orders can choose from Clear, Jet and the Amethyst Instyle Bracelet as a Free Bonus gift with 10 orders.

Our Hostess Collection also has new items. So check out our website to view the catalog and the new Hostess ONLY items.

This is all in addtion to the wonderful 5 Star Hostess program and it's wonderful benefits for our Hostesses. Book a party today your jewelry is waiting for you!

For Our Customers:
Customer Appreciation Sale…A FREE Bonus Item!

With a minimum $60 and the purchase of two bonus items, a customer may select a third matching value bonus item for FREE!
With a minimum $90 and the purchase of three bonus items, a customer may select a fourth matching value bonus item for FREE!
Our Starlight Bracelet for customers is now in Amethyst as well. For $14 you can choose from clear or amethyst and help our the Starlight Foundation.
Contact me to place an order or to have a party! Your Jewelry is waiting for you!